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tips for mom on the go

Easy Skincare Routine for Moms Constantly on the Go

  • Jul 19, 2021

Skincare should be a regime that every woman should follow. Easier said than done. Hundreds of tasks wait for a woman’s
attention at home and workplace. Hence, skincare gets conveniently pushed behind by several women because they
prioritize other tasks over skincare. Therefore, simple tricks of skincare that are easy to do even on the go are the
most desired ones in the world today. Lengthy sessions in the parlour are not possible for moms constantly on the go.
So, finding a way out that is both simple and time-saving serves the purpose for them today. Setting aside a few minutes
for yourself is the most deserving treat for the skin that can show amazing results in the long run.
understands the requirements of moms in the fast-paced world today. Juggling with the office and home schedule is a huge
challenge that she faces every day. Moreover, taking care of kids is not a piece of cake either. But with a simple
skincare regime, mom on the go can emerge a superwoman:

Here is a list of skincare indulgences for women on the

  • Bid farewell to bad habits Sleeping with make-up is the worst mistake any woman can
    commit. Make-up clogs the pores leading to skin woes. Hence, keeping a cleanser handy at night is one of the
    best habits that busy moms should develop. Make-up remover wipes are also easily available in the market. If you
    are an online shopper, read the reviews about the product and order one for yourself.
    Ensure changing your
    bed pillow at regular intervals because the pillow comes in close contact with the face, and pillow covers can
    contribute to skin woes. Hence change bed linens regularly.
  • Diet Taking care of
    nutrition is an important step towards having flawless skin. Diet plays a pivotal role in maintaining the health
    quotient of the body. Working women/moms should always carry nuts, healthy crackers, and protein or granola bars
    in their purses, as they can easily binge on such products whenever they encounter hunger pangs on the go.
  • Four components of skincare No matter how busy you are, following the simple trick can help
    you develop good skin.

    • Protection Skin needs protection against the sun\’s
      harmful UV rays as it can damage the upper layer of the skin and lead to tanning, rashes, and aging. The
      most important protection that you can give to your skin against the sun\’s harmful rays is wearing
      sunscreen with adequate SPF for protection.
    • Hydration Water is the ideal
      way to keep your skin hydrated. Ensure drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water daily. Water is your best
      buddy when you have to maintain hydration in the body. Always keep water stocked in your car while you
      go to work. Keeping a small handy bottle in your bag is also a great idea.
    • Cleansing Secretion of oil in the skin is a natural process. Sweat and dirt further
      intensify the problem and acts as a catalyst contributing to skin woes. The easiest way to handle the
      issue is by washing the face with a face wash (as per skin type) to ensure regular skin cleaning.
    • Exfoliate Removing dead skin cells is an essential factor to keep the skin happy.
      As the dead skin cells on the upper layer of the skin are removed, new and supple cells surface to give
      a renewed and fresh look to the skin. Hence, regular exfoliation is a must for developing soft and
      supple skin.
  • Moisturized It is essential to keep the skin
    happy through moisturization. Dry skin condition contributes to aging woes. Moreover, the hands are exposed to
    hard work during the day at home and in the office. Hence, keeping the hands moisturized is essential to
    maintain their softness. Washing utensils make the hands dry, and dryness aids in the loss of natural oil. So,
    keep a moisturizer handy in your purse while you are on the go. Apply it twice or thrice during the day to
    maintain skincare.
  • Exercise Yoga and Meditation have the power to calm the mind,
    and a calm mind will reflect its magic on the skin. There are facial yoga asanas that help in maintaining good
    skin and a youthful look. A few yoga asanas for the face are so simple that moms can do it anytime, even while
    sitting on the chair while doing office work.

A word of advice

Everything in this
world goes smoothly only if consistency is maintained. Hence, skincare is a consistent habit. Do it once, and then
forgetting or postponing the regime is of no help. Neither, it takes a truckload of time to follow the simple skincare
tricks. It is super easy and not time-consuming. Giving yourself a little time is the least that can do for your skin
and one of the most deserving. So, do not ignore or delay following the regime. Focussing on the right things to do will
help you achieve youthful skin for a longer time.
It is a good idea to give yourself some me-time. A happy mom can
keep her family happy too! So, adopt the simple tips and tricks in your daily regime and boost your skin happiness

Final Thoughts

CosmeSurge is a UAE-based largest cosmetology chain that offers special cosmetic
treatments to customers that help them develop a great body, skin, and face. The specialists in the clinic also
recommend the adoption of simple skincare habits that aid in developing good skin keeping skin woes at bay. The hectic
life of mom’s strips health from the skin if not maintained or looked after. So, indulging in the simple tricks and
making these a habit is a great idea for the skin’s happiness.

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