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Anti Ageing diet

Anti-aging Diet: Food to Avoid & Food to Eat

  • Sep 03, 2021

If you think that food and nutrition have nothing to do with the texture of skin then you are sadly mistaken. The fact
of the story is that good and young skin can be achieved with the help of a balanced diet that is equipped with all the
ingredients that helps to restore the youthful look on the face and skin. There is no denying that ageing is a natural
process and nobody can stop or slow the process. Regular exercising and a healthy diet can help to overcome the early
signs of ageing. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in foods that can fight aging is one of the best ways to combat
early signs of aging.

Here we talk about the anti-ageing diet: food to avoid and food to eat. This article will
prove to be an eye opener for the people who think that food and ageing are two different phenomena. But in reality,
these are synonymous if you want to get rid of aging spots that show on your skin.

Eating healthy food is a
challenge for many people because of hectic and busy lifestyle. Grabbing a quick bite from a fast-food chain seems like
the easiest job. But prolonged faulty eating habits can take a toll on health as well. So, it is better to understand
the importance of healthy diet and make changes in lifestyle to accommodate food habits that act the best on health and

Here is a list of the food items that you should eat and avoid to combat the process of ageing.

What you should eat?

  • Nuts: Nuts are the super food that are power-packed with
    several health benefits. Even dietitians prescribe the intake of nuts in their diet plans simply because these
    can give immense energy and add to the health of the dieter. Nuts have omega-3s, healthy unsaturated fats,
    proteins, and fibre. The other icing on the cake is that these are super easy to consume with no cooking time
    and the best “fast food”. Walnuts, almonds, hazel nuts, Brazil nuts are some of the nutritional nuts. Moreover,
    nuts can promote health and prevent chronic diseases like cancer, cardiac issues, and cognitive decline. These
    can also help to manage type II diabetes and heart problem.
  • Broccoli Another super
    food that acts great on your skin is Broccoli. It is considered as the anti-aging powerhouse. The veggie is full
    of antioxidants and vitamin K and C, fibre, calcium, and folate. Hence, it is equipped to fight aging and
    inflammation. Vitamin C plays a major role in maintaining the youth and vigour of the skin.
  • Water Yes, this is one of the most important elements that can help people to fight signs of
    aging. It keeps the body hydrated and the skin woes at bay. Dry skin condition is also a reason of wrinkles on
    the skin but inner hydration can help to manage the issue. Moreover, water helps to flush out the toxins from
    the body and cleanses the system.
  • Blueberries Full of vitamin C and E, blueberry is
    one of the best berries for skin. It helps to benefits the body in various ways and this includes cognitive
    advantages as well.
  • Tomatoes Tomatoes are high in lycopene and hence act as a great
    anti-aging vegetables benefitting the skin in numerous ways. Eating tomatoes in cooked form is also goof because
    cooking releases high amount of lycopene.
  • Leafy Greens Spinach tops the list as it
    keeps the hydration level in the body high. It is also loaded with vitamin A, C, K, and E. The iron content in
    the veggie is also high. Kale and lettuce are also beneficial for the skin.
  • Yogurt
    Yogurt is fortified with vitamin D and has good amount of calcium. The probiotic content in yogurt is
    also high and it keeps the gut happy.
  • Salmon All fatty fish are good for the skin
    because they have high content of omega-3s and thus can fight signs of aging. It can also fight oxidative stress
    and inflammation.
  • Pomegranate seeds The fruit contains high protein antioxidants
    and vitamin C.
  • Avocados It contains phytochemicals and essential nutrients that
    help to combat the signs of aging. It is also packed with monosaturated fatty acids and antioxidants that gives
    youth to the skin.
  • Sweet Potatoes The orange colour of the vegetable contains an
    antioxidant beta-carotene that converts to vitamin A. it helps to promote elasticity in skin.

Now, lets check the list of harmful foods that can harm the skin in multiple ways and invite aging:

  • Red meat and processed meat Processed meat has the power to make your skin appear haggard
    and thus contributes to the signs of ageing. Moreover, many of the meats are equipped with sulphites that can
    trigger inflammation in the skin.
  • Caffeinated drinks Tea and coffee are not
    considered good for the skin, especially if consumed in large quantity.
  • Alcohol
    Alcohol can damage the skin in multiple ways. It can cause dehydration and contribute to skin woes. It
    also leads to built up of toxins in the body.
  • High fat and high sodium snacks
    Snacking is the worst enemy for skin. Chips, canned food, and packaged foods that are high in sodium
    causes inflammation in the skin and makes the skin appear puffy. It also leads to high blood pressure.
  • Sugar Sugar is one of the worst enemies of our health and skin, especially white sugar. If
    consumed in large quantities in the form of desserts, candies, etc. then it can cause damage of the collagen
    aiding wrinkles in the skin.


Mindful eating is a choice and hence,
skin aging is in our hands to a large extent. With proper eating habits, we can combat skin woes and keeps wrinkles at
bay. At least, the process of appearance of wrinkles can be delayed with nutritional eating habits.

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