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Category Archives: Face


How does Microneedling help with Skin rejuvenation?

  • Jul 02, 2021

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that rejuvenates the skin making it appear youthful. Tiny needles are used to puncture the top layer of the skin. The aim is to improve the texture of the skin. Several celebrities have undergone the procedure to look better and feel younger. They swear by the procedure, and so does some of the cosmetologists and dermatologists.

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Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation – Evolution over the years and safest technique today

  • Jun 25, 2021

As the terms suggest, increasing the size of the breasts through a surgical procedure is called Breast Augmentation. It is a cosmetic surgery technique that employs breasts implant and grafting of fat tissue to give fullness to the existing size of the breasts. The patient can expect changes in size, shape, and texture of her breasts post-surgery. The other name for the procedure is Augmentation Mammoplasty.

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Nano Facelift

Nano Facelift – Younger Look Without Any Surgery

  • Jun 11, 2021

With age, the skin begins to show woes that can be difficult to handle. While accepting age as a graceful attitude is one of the best ways to deal with it, yet if there is a possible and simple solution that can make you look younger, why not avail it?

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browlift or Blepharoplasty

Brow lift or Blepharoplasty

  • Jun 18, 2021

Looks do matter because appearance has the power to enhance self-confidence. Several procedures are cosmetically empowered to enhance the looks of the person. Here we talk about procedures to enhance the eyebrows and get a younger look and feel.

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Chemical peels

Top 5 Reasons to Embrace Chemical Peels

  • May 24, 2021

Chemical peels are restorative cosmetic processes that can assist in reducing facial aging signs. With this, you can fix breakouts, fine lines, hyperpigmentation and a plethora of other skin issues.

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under eye treatment

5 In-Office Treatments for Under Eye Rejuvenation

  • May 19, 2021

Eyes are the windows to the soul. Naturally, the areas around the eyes play a vital role in determining your looks.The upper portion of the face is refreshed and brightened up when you rejuvenate the area surrounding the eyes. This enables a more young and supple look for your entire face.

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