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Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers – A Perfect Alternative for Skin Rejuvenation

  • Apr 12, 2021

Gone are the days when accepting the inevitability of aging was the only available option.
The cosmetic surgery industry is booming and it is not restricted to just those who desire to turn back time. Youngsters, as early as those in their 20s, are now opting for cosmetic procedures to correct and achieve their desired features.
But what if you get a more cost-effective yet popular alternative for facial rejuvenation that doesn’t require any surgical procedure?
Herein emerges the dermal fillers.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal filler has been the most preferred lip-plumping treatment for many years now. But it is capable of accomplishing much more.

The four major components that structurize the face are fat, skin, bones and muscles. But with age, volume loss in the structure of the face is a sure-shot thing. This results in the emergence of aging signs.

Age-related facial bone loss leads to jawline retraction, high cheekbones loss and nasal descent.

The facial muscles also reduce in elasticity and volume with age. Deflation and facial fat movement accentuate the aging signs further.

Dermal fillers are gel-like, soft substances that are injected below the skin. They can address a variety of common concerns including cheekbone lifting, deep under-eye circles smoothening, lip line smoothening, lip volumization, hand rejuvenation and smoothening of nasolabial folds (creases to the mouth corners).

So precisely, the dermal fillers are synthetic or naturally derived materials that are injected directly into the skin to plump that target area and remove the facial depression, wrinkle or fold.

How Do Dermal Fillers Work?

Dermal fillers resolve several issues related to the aging of the face. Some of them are enlisted below.

  • Fillers add volume to the skin of the face and smoothen the creases between the mouth and the nose. These are called, as mentioned above, nasolabial lines or laugh lines.
  • They elevate and enable cheek augmentation which restores youthful look.
  • They even out vertical lines around the lip edges and plump up the thin lips.
  • The fillers reduce chickenpox scars and acne and even out skin undulations for smooth and plump skin.
  • They fill the depression areas under the eyes.
  • Dermal fillers increase volume by filling up the gauntness in the temple or lower cheek area which occurs because of the shifting of fat pads under the skin surface as we age.

Are Dermal Fillers Safe?

It is highly recommended to opt for fillers administered by experienced practitioners, He or she must be a licensed physician like a board-certified dermatologist.

Though otherwise safe, dermal fillers can also trigger several complications. Side effects and risks vary based on the particular type of filler used. The most common ones are –

  • Bruising or swelling
  • An over-filled look to areas treated
  • Hard areas or lumps in the sites of injection
  • Temporary numbness or redness
  • Hypersensitivity

If you are experiencing any of these side-effects, massaging or icing can bring immediate relief following the treatment.

You can notice the results instantly based on the product used and the areas treated. It is the individual, the area treated and the product used that play key roles in determining how long the results will last.

For maintaining the results, your dermatologist can recommend repeating the treatment by adjusting the techniques and the amount as necessary for optimal results.

How dermal fillers differ from Botox?

Botox and dermal figures are not the same even though both are injected under the skin with the help of a needle.

While botox is used mostly to relax the muscles and injected in or around the wrinkles surrounding the eyes or forehead, dermal fillers are the plump-agents used for smoothening the creases.

Both agents fulfill separate tasks and when used in the right combination, the result is a remarkably younger face free of aging signs.

Who can go for dermal fillers?

Anyone between the ages of 18 to 60 can try this procedure especially if they have sagging facial skin or are experiencing loss of suppleness, loss of fat in specific regions, acne scars, visible sun damage, scars from chickenpox and visible hollow areas under the eyes.
Thus dermal fillers can truly be a life-changing experience but it is up to you to decide whether for the better or for worse.
If you are thinking of trying this revolutionary procedure, you should immediately consult an experienced dermatologist who can guide you in the right direction and help you make the most of what this treatment has to offer.

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