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Seven trendy Cosmetic procedures for men in 2021

  • Aug 25, 2021

Gone are the days when cosmetic beauty treatments were associated with women alone. We live in an era of technology that
is equipped with advanced medical treatments and equipment. Men are equally conscious about their looks and personality.
Hence, the days have come when men and women can rub shoulders in the cosmetic beauty treatment segment too. You will
research and come across the fact and statistics also reveal that there is a sharp increase in demand for cosmetic
procedures for men since 2010. Here we will discuss seven trendy cosmetic procedures for men in 2021.

CosmeSurge has also witnessed a rise in demand for men cosmetic procedures since the olden days. More and more
men want to enhance their appearance. Undoubtedly, impressive looks boost the confidence level of the person.

2021 is the year that has witnessed a surge in demand for cosmetic procedures for men and here is a list of some
of the most talked-about techniques:

  • Liposuction One of the most popular cosmetic
    procedures amongst men and women is liposuction. But the procedure and technique differ for both the sex as per
    their body type. Men aim to look defined and not thin, as most women want. They opt for manly contours that give
    them a stringer and broader look. For men, it is not about looking lean and slim, but it is about enhancing
    their muscles, broad shoulders, no hips, and a small waist. Fat removal is not the aim for men but enhancing and
    augmenting muscles is. Reposition of the fat is an option that most men opt for. They usually want more fat
    around their chest and volume in their muscles.
  • Gynaecomastia or Male Breast
    Male with breasts suffer from an inferior complex and feel embarrassed. The medical term
    for enhanced breasts in men is Gynaecomastia. Men generally ask for contouring the area and often the experts
    combine the procedure with liposuction to get the desired results. The treatment procedure is a popular one.
  • Blepharoplasty or Eyelid Surgery Men do not opt for a facelift as women do. So, the
    next best option for them is to go for the eyelid lift so that they do not appear weary and tired. The signs of
    ageing often appear around the eyes making the area appear swollen and the excess eyelid skin also looks bad. It
    makes them look older. So, eyelid surgery is the best option. The lift helps to smoothen the area and erase the
    wrinkles. The person starts looking younger. The procedure is simple with good results. Recovery is also easy.
  • Hair Transplant This is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments that men opt for.
    Several men experience hair loss and a hair transplant is one of the best solutions to combat the issue.
    Androgenic Alopecia is one of the common reasons for hair loss. Moreover, the success rate of hair transplants
    is high. Technology plays a pivotal role in the success of the procedure. Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE is
    the technique that is employed for the correction of the problem. Donor follicles are taken/extracted from the
    back of the head and then transplanted in the affected area. The technique is a common one and healing time is
    also quick. Though the procedure is time consuming yet very popular and successful.
  • Rhinoplasty or Nose Job Yes, the procedure is popular among women. But even menfolk are
    interested to get the perfect shape of their nose that can enhance their facial appearance. Men want to have a
    masculine nose and to acquire the best-looking nose they are ready to go under the knife. A small nose is
    feminine but men desire to have a straight and big nose. Though experts say that men do not want an overly
    sculpted nose but one that is defined with a little flaw to make it appear natural.
  • Dermal
    Derma fillers are used to give volume to sunken areas of the skin to give it a lift and
    make it appear flawless and young. Hyaluronic surgical techniques are used to combat the issue. The name of the
    fillers is Juvederm and Voluma that are used for giving volume to the cheeks, poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) and
    calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA) fillers and Radiesse are used for the upliftment of the jawline. The fillers are
    helpful to get the perfect jawline. Sagging skin in the neck can make the men look older and fillers can help to
    get rid of the issue.
  • Neurotoxin Injections Botox is the most common name under
    this category. It is also a popular cosmetic treatment among men. These are injectable fillers that can smoothen
    the skin and erase wrinkles to a great extent. The forehead, eyebrows, and around the eyes are the most common
    areas where these injectable toxins are used. Men, particularly, do not look for the smoothening of the skin to
    a great extent because they are happy with the fine line. They just want to smooth the lines and give a renewed
    look to the face. This is one of the main reasons for men to opt for the Botox procedure.

    entertains men with all the above-mentioned cosmetic procedures. The experts in the clinic can provide the best
    advice and guidance to the patients regarding the procedures that can boost their confidence level and make them
    feel happy in their skin.


So, here we are. If you have the option to
get rid of the jowls and double chin that adds years to the age, why would you not go for the same? What is stopping you
guys? The treatment procedures are simple, and the success rate is also high. Moreover, if you can get hold of the best
and reliable surgeons then there is nothing to be doubtful about. Cosmetic procedures for men have become the latest
fad, especially in recent years and will become even more popular in the years to follow.

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