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Say goodbye to sagging skin and hiding your lovely arms under long sleeves on even the hottest day of the year! With our innovative arm lift procedure in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, you can enjoy sculpted, firm arms that you’ll want to show off any chance you get. Regain your confidence and get the arms of your dreams with CosmeSurge.

Ready to explore the possibilities an arm lift procedure has to offer? Schedule a consultation with one of our seasoned surgeons today!

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You may want to consider an Arm Lift surgery if you notice your upper arm skin is sagging or drooping due to ageing or excessive weight loss.


Arm Lift Consultation

Your arm lift consultation will begin with a discussion about your medical history, health habits, surgery expectations and concerns with your surgeon. Following the discussion, the surgeon will advise you on the best possible procedure and treatment path for your case, and will also guide you through the chosen procedure process and recovery plan. The doctor may also take photos of your arms and measure them as a reference point for your post-surgery follow-ups.

Please keep in mind that our number one priority is always your well-being. For that reason, your doctor may choose to delay your surgery if you are pregnant or you have certain conditions like diabetes or heart issues. The surgery will also not be recommended if you are overweight.

There are certain guidelines that the doctor will advise you to follow before the surgery, like maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly, stopping smoking at least three weeks before the surgery, and strictly avoiding anti-inflammatory drugs or medicines, such as aspirin, to minimise the risk of excess bleeding during surgery.

Arm Lift Surgery

Although any surgery may seem like a big step to take, choosing to have your arm life done with CosmeSurge can help ease your anxiety. After all, you’ll be in the hands of some of the most qualified and experienced plastic surgeons in the country. Here is a little bit about what you can expect.

An arm lift surgery is an outpatient procedure performed under general or light sedation and local anaesthesia. The length of the procedure is approximately 1 to 3 hours. After the anaesthesia, the surgeon will make discreet incisions on the undersides of your arms. The exact placement and length of these incisions depend on your needs.

The procedure itself focuses on removing excess skin and tightening the underlying supportive tissues. This creates a smoother, more sculpted appearance in your arms, giving you your desired results and allowing you to look more toned and confident. The ideal candidate for an arm lift would be anyone with excess or sagging skin around the arms. Please note that patients with good skin elasticity will notice better results.

Arm Lift Post-Surgery

During your recovery process, our expert team will be available to answer any questions you may have. We will also give you a comprehensive guide to your recovery to make sure you get the results you are looking for in the safest manner possible.

After the surgery, dressings or bandages may be applied to your incisions, and your arm may be wrapped in an elastic bandage or a compression garment to minimize swelling and support your arm as it heals following surgery. Small, thin tubes may be temporarily placed under the skin to drain any excess blood or fluid that may collect which will be removed in 2 to 5 days. Your arm will feel sore and tender immediately after surgery. You will have to take bed rest for a couple of days after surgery.

Arm Lift Aftercare

Our expert medical team will guide you through every step of the aftercare process in detail. In order to have successful long-lasting results it is important to follow the below:

  • Avoid lifting heavy objects for a few weeks.
  • Avoid physical and athletic activities that might stretch the incisions for a few weeks.
  • Take pain medication as per prescription.
  • A complete exercise pattern will be provided, which must be followed within six weeks.
  • Contact your doctor immediately if you experience shortness of breath, chest pains, an irregular heartbeat, redness of the skin or a fever.
  • It is important to attend follow-up appointments with your doctor to keep track of your progress.

Are you ready to explore the possibilities an upper arm lift has to offer? Book an appointment now with one of our expert surgeons.

Schedule a consultation

Our Specialists

Claudia Machado

Dr. Claudia Machado

Specialist Plastic Surgeon
Gie Vandehult

Dr. Gisela Birgit Gie Orzol Vandehult

Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Johannes Scheepers

Dr. Johannes Hendricus Scheepers

Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Sabet Salahia

Dr. Mohamad Sabet Salahia

Specialist Plastic Surgeon
Website dr. Anshu 01 1
Atheesh Borole

Dr. Ateesh Jayram Borole

Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Salma copy

Dr. Salma Ben Cheikh Kotti

Specialist - Plastic Surgery


Arm Lift Abu Dhabi - Clinics

Get the perfect look with cosmesurge's arm lift and arm fat removal treatments in Abu Dhabi. Our 13 state-of-the-art facilities provide the highest quality medical approach to beauty. Experience natural, beautiful results with our safe and effective treatments.

Arm Lift Al Ain - Clinics

Get the body you desire with arm lift and arm fat removal treatments in Al Ain with CosmeSurge. Our experienced team of medical professionals provide the highest standards of care for patients from around the world. Restore your youth and confidence with our safe and effective treatments. Contact us today to learn more.Get the body you desire with arm lift and arm fat removal treatments in Al Ain with CosmeSurge. Our experienced team of medical professionals provide the highest standards of care for patients from around the world. Restore your youth and confidence with our safe and effective treatments. Contact us today to learn more.

Arm Lift Dubai - Clinics

Cosmesurge Dubai offers the latest in arm lift and arm fat removal treatments. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care and achieving 100% satisfaction for all our patients. We use the best medical practices and values to ensure you get the results you desire and the confidence you deserve.

Arm Lift Fujairah - Clinics

Cosmesurge is your go-to for all your beauty needs. Our experienced team has been providing top-notch services for two decades. Now, we offer the latest arm lift and arm fat removal treatments in Fujairah. Transform your beauty dreams into reality with our non-surgical and surgical solutions. Contact us today!

Arm Lift Ras Al Khaimah - Clinics

Get the perfect body you deserve with CosmeSurge's arm lift and arm fat removal treatments in Ras Al Khaimah. Our 13 state-of-the-art facilities provide beautiful results for your face and body. Get the latest treatments and flaunt a natural look forever!

Arm Lift Sharjah - Clinics

Get the best arm lift and arm fat removal treatments in Sharjah with CosmeSurge. Our 13 state-of-the-art facilities provide natural results and full beauty solutions. Trust the experts at CosmeSurge for your conscious beauty needs.

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